Privacy Policy
Your privacy is very important to us and we are committed to protecting your privacy on-line. We know that providing personal information is an act of trust and we take that trust seriously. We are bound by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (Cth) and the Privacy Regulations 2013 (Cth) which sets out a number of principles concerning the privacy of individuals. You have the right to restrict the collection and use of your personal information. The information in the section below sets out the Privacy Policy of Allis Technology.
Personal Information
In order to fulfil our commitment to providing you with the best possible service, Allis Technology will require the collection of personal information, including your name, email address, street address and telephone number. Your personal information will only be used for the following purposes:
- processing registrations for courses/seminars,
- responding to quotes of service or requests for information
- informing you of upcoming events and new products,
- processing payments and forwarding receipts
- distribution of course related materials
We appreciate that you do not wish the personal information provided to us distributed indiscriminately or used in ways you would not expect.
Unless required by Australian legislation, we will not make your personal information available for use by any other service or Third Party for the purpose of marketing or promotional communication, both within Australia and overseas.
Allis Technology takes reasonable steps to ensure your personal information is accurate, up to date and complete. We will safeguard the storage of your personal information against unauthorized access through the use of up to date internet security technology. However, it must be acknowledged that the internet is not a secure medium and the privacy of your communications and personal information can never be guaranteed.
If you do not wish to receive communications from us, it is your right to opt out by contacting us directly. Your personal information will then be deleted from Allis Technology’s database.
Non Personal Information
We may collect non identifiable information solely for the purpose of improving our services and website; perform analysis of user behavior i.e. number of visits to our website.
Allis Technology encourages you to access, view, save and print articles and other resources available on this site for your personal use only or to disseminate the information contained within such resources. You are not, however, permitted to make copies for distribution to other people or groups. Under the terms of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) contents and services cannot be used for commercial purposes, resold, reproduced, modified or adapted, distributed to a third party without written consent of Allis Technology. Prosecution may result from contravening this clause.
Allis Technology provides links to other websites; however, we are not responsible for the content or the accuracy of information on these linked sites. Allis Technology does not necessarily endorse the services or products provided by these sites. The use of Third Party websites is at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions for use of such websites. Whilst Allis Technology strives to link to websites that share our respect for your privacy, Allis Technology is not responsible for the privacy practices of such websites.
You are invited to read & respond to our Blogs, however, we advise that that these Blogs are only personal opinions and experiences. Any health related information contained should not be used as medical advice or replace advice of a qualified health care professional. As a matter of respect and consideration we ask that you consider all comments before posting. Allis Technology reserves the right to delete comments we deem unwelcome. Allis Technology asks that you always be considerate of others and respect the following points.
- Self-awareness. Re-read your comment (is it offensive in any way?)
- Be respectful of others
- Be constructive and offer your thoughts, ideas and experiences, rather than using sarcastic or belittling language.
- Protect your own privacy and the privacy of others, especially patients and work colleagues. Avoid giving identifying details about yourself or your workplace.
- Keep it clean. Abusive language will be deleted.
- No yelling. Using all capital letters is considered yelling online. Shouting doesn’t give more substance to whatever you’re saying, so keep your voice down.
- No spamming. Messages made for the purposes of marketing, otherwise known as spam, will be deleted.
- Proofread your comment before hitting the send button: Use your best spelling and grammar, not phone-text abbreviations!
We limit the promotion of commercial interests. If you want to promote a business or service on Allis Technology, email us at
Allis Technology website contains information on health and medical issues for education and information purposes only. Information is generic and does not take into account an individual’s health status. The information contained on this website should not be acted upon, replace any services or advice of a qualified health professional. Allis Technology is not qualified to provide any medical advice.
Cookies are small text files that are often created when you visit a website, and which are stored in the cookie directory of your internet-accessing device. A cookie may be created when you visit Allis Technology website. They do not contain any personal information about you. If you not wish to accept cookies, you should read the instructions included in your browser’s software on how to disable this feature.
Contact Us
If you wish to update your personal information, have any questions or complaints about Allis Technology’s collection, use or management of your personal information; please do not hesitate to contact us at,
Consent for Use of Photographs / Video / Voice Recording
Your privacy is very important to us and we are committed to protecting your privacy on-line. We know that providing personal information is an act of trust and we take that trust seriously. We would like to use photographs/videos/voice recordings on our website to illustrate contributions you have made or events in which you have participated. We invite you to contact us at, if you would not like us to use your image/video.
Marrianne McGhee, Director
Allis Technology (ABN 40 604 630 051)
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Point of Use (POU) Cleaning of Surgical Instruments
Are your instruments being cleaned intra-operatively? Surgical instruments are a high cost item, which i...
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Communication in the OR
The operating room is a culturally diverse background with various levels of multidisciplinary professionals workin...
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Situational Awareness in the OR
The OR is an environment where the room for error in minimal, time is critical and perfection is expected 100% of...
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