Intra-Operative Pressure Injuries (PI)

Posted at 10 January 2024 in Patient Safety,Uncategorized by Marrianne

A patient has surgery to address a disease, illness, or trauma. They are vulnerable and anxious and surgery maybe the final option.

Surgery can be costly and a patient does not need another complication, such as a Pressure Injury (PI).

According to the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality, pressure ulcers cost $9.1-$11.6 billion per year in the US. Cost of individual patient care ranges from $20,900 to 151,700 per pressure ulcer.,ranges%20from%20%2420%2C900%20to%20151%2C700%20per%20pressure%20ulcer.

As healthcare professionals it is our role and responsibility to provide the best care we can, to our patients.

This is why pressure area care should be assessed and addressed.

There are a number factors that impact on intra-operative pressure care and what equipment should be used to support blood circulation and minimise pressure on vessels and tissue.

A patients own health and comorbidity can also impact on the predisposition for a postoperative PI.

Correct patient positioning, monitoring pressure sites and utilising equipment can aid in reducing PI. Moisture and heat sources such as a warming blankets can also play a role in the likelihood of skin breaking down.

It can be difficult to identify early stages of skin breakdown intra-operatively, which is why assessments and precautions should be undertaken preoperatively and postoperatively.

Research in identifying and educating health care workers is necessary to reduce the risks to patients. A 2019 study detected that 1 in 150 patients developed an intra-operative stage 1 PI. This study highlights the need for education and further research to assess a patients risk and implement strategies to reduce PI.

See more from AORN about how much a PI is costing your facility.,first%2C%20calculate%20how%20much%20they%E2%80%99re%20costing%20your%20facility.

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